Boosters Home

Who are we?

We are a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) parent-run organization with the primary focus of supporting Eisenhower Athletics and the Athletic Department.


  • Provide financial support for all Eisenhower sports programs providing equipment, accessories, and technology through Coaches Requests
  • Assist with financial support for the Athletic Department to enhance our athletic facilities
  • Recognize team and individual accomplishments
  • Provide moral support to the Eisenhower Eagle community
  • Offer scholarships for our College Bound as well as for our Underclassmen student-athletes.

Multiple Ways You Can Support

It takes GREAT parent support to make the organization successful. Please:

  • Become a Booster Member, you can pay for your membership by visiting our Booster Store
  • Volunteer to lead/participate in one of the many committees
  • Volunteer to work concessions or Booster fundraisers
  • Easy way to earn FREE Money for Boosters:
    • Grocery shopping at Kroger, benefits Boosters when you assign your rewards  points to us by following these instructions, click here.. 
  • Become involved

Attend our one of our scheduled meetings at 7:00 pm to learn how you can make a difference, watch the Events tab for dates and location.


Contact us at


Follow us on our all new Social Media sites!

  • Facebook: Eisenhower Athletics
  • Remind: @9dd48af (IKE Athletic Booster Club)
  • Instagram:  ikeathleticboosterclub
  • Twitter:  @IABClub