Go Eagles!

Eisenhower High School

Boys Varsity Ice Hockey

Team News
Game Summaries (5)
Eisenhower wins MAC Red hockey championship
5.0 years ago | John Bertich
Eagles Win: 8 - 3
Boys Varsity Ice Hockey vs. Grosse Pointe South High School
5.0 years ago | John Bertich
Eagles Win: 2 - 0
Boys Varsity Ice Hockey vs. Grand Traverse Bay Reps
6.0 years ago | John Bertich
Eagles Win: 4 - 2
Boys Varsity Ice Hockey vs. Grosse Pointe South High School
6.0 years ago | John Bertich
Eagles Win: 4 - 1
Boys Varsity Ice Hockey vs. L'Anse Creuse High School
6.0 years ago | John Bertich
Eagles Win: 4 - 3
News (5)

Ike Hockey - General Info Meeting For Interested Players

Updated on 06/10/2022

For any Eisenhower students interested in playing ice hockey, there will be an informational meeting on Wednesday, October 16th @ 6:30PM in the Media Center.

Fall Ike Hockey - Varsity & JV

Updated on 06/10/2022

For any Eisenhower students interested in playing hockey in August, September & October leading up to Winter tryouts in November, please reach out to Team Manager Jeff Kraski via email.  We're putting together both a Varsity and JV team that will practice, play some games along with tournaments to prepare for the upcoming Winter season.  jtkraski@yahoo.com

Spring/Fall 2019 Hockey Tryout Info

Updated on 06/10/2022

Tryouts for both Varsity and JV Spring/Fall 2019 Hockey Teams have been announced.

WHEN:    Saturday, March 23rd - 4:00PM
WHERE:  Suburban Ice Macomb (54755 Broughton Rd, Macomb 48042)
COST:      $10.00


2019 MAC Red Champs!!

Updated on 06/10/2022

The 2018-19 Utica Eisenhower hockey team edged out Dakota by 1 point to earn the MAC Red Title.

Winter 2018-19 Hockey Tryouts

Updated on 06/10/2022

Eagles Varsity Hockey Tryouts:

Monday, October 29, 4:00pm at Suburban Ice Macomb

Tuesday, October 30, 4:00pm at Suburban Ice Macomb


Eagles JV Hockey Tryouts:

Wednesday, October 31, 3:45pm at Suburban Ice Macomb

*Thursday, Nov. 1, 3:45pm at Suburban Ice Macomb (*if needed).


You must have a physical on file with the school (Familyid.com) to participate in the tryouts. Tryout Cost: $20 per skate (player only pays for two skates; max $40).

